Cognitive Methods and Their Application to Clinical Research
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Wenzel, A., & Rubin, D. C. (Eds.) (2005). Cognitive Methods and Their Application to Clinical Research. Washington, DC: APA Books.
This uniquely organized book contains companion chapters on methodological approaches that have been used to study cognitive processes in individuals with psychopathology—one written by a well-known cognitive psychologist who has been a leader in developing the methodology, and the other written by a well-known clinical psychologist who has been a leader in applying the methodology to clinical applications. This book serves as a guide for scholars and students who conduct research on cognition in clinical populations.
Praise for Cognitive Methods and Their Application to Clinical Research
As a grad student, this book really strengthened my knowledge of cognitive psychopathology. I recommend this book to anyone interested in learning about this topic in depth.
— Graduate student review on
Cognitive Methods and Their Application to Clinical Research is a college, graduate studies and professional-level text collecting the writings of expert psychologists concerning the discoveries and applications of cognitive psychology, particularly in the past 20 years. Clinical psychologists often have little background in cognitive psychology, and cognitive psychologists frequently have sparse training in conducting research with special populations; Cognitive Methods and Their Application to Clinical Research seeks to bridge the gap by providing the necessary background reference to discuss each essay topic, in an ambitious anthology that strives to further promote both individual and collective professional understandings of psychology as a whole. Highly recommended especially for professional and academic library psychology reference and supplemental studies shelves.
— Midwest Book Review,