Exploring Three Approaches to Psychotherapy

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Greenberg, L. S., McWilliams, N., & Wenzel, A. (2014). Exploring Three Approaches to Psychotherapy. Washington, DC: APA Books

This book provides an in-depth analysis of what occurs in therapy according to three different orientations: cognitive, emotion-focused, and psychodynamic. The authors explain the theory and principle techniques of their respective models and discuss how they are applied in the therapy demonstrations in the APA DVDs Three Approaches to Psychotherapy. The book grants readers access to the authors’ insights about how their three approaches work in practice, offering a rare look into the minds of the therapists as they comment on the therapy sessions. The books and the DVDs, used together or independently, illustrate the differences and similarities among the three approaches, and thus among the theoretical schools. Readers will gain new insights into and renew their understanding of these major theoretical systems.

Praise for Exploring Three Approaches to Psychotherapy

For decades, “the Gloria tapes,” which portrayed the same client in therapy sessions with three different therapists—Carl Rogers, Albert Ellis, and Fritz Perls—were the seminal materials used for training therapists. … This volume is a must read for those who want to understand how three different therapies are effective, in very different ways

— Bruce E. Wampold, Ph.D., ABPP, Patricia L. Wolleat Professor of Counseling Psychology, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, University of Wisconsin-Madison

A currently fashionable ideology suggests that therapists are mere technicians who can be superficially trained to follow manuals and packaged protocols. This volume challenges any view that leaves out the therapist’s emotional and interpersonal sensitivity and the capacity to form and sustain a deep sense of relationship. The master therapists whose sessions are discussed in this book are models of the kind of clinical skillfulness essential to our capacity to genuinely benefit the people who seek our help.

— Paul L. Wachtel, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor, Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, City College of CUNY

Greenberg, McWilliams, and Wenzel beautifully blend theory with vivid and fascinating case material, illustrating how they conceptualize and practice their craft. This book provides a unique learning experience for both novice and seasoned therapists.

— Stanley B. Messer, Ph.D., Dean and Distinguished Professor, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Rutgers University